Airport movements
How does this work?
Click the question mark and we’ll guide you through this tool in a couple of steps.
What are airport movements?
All departures and arrivals at the airport are called airport movements. On this page, you can consult data on these movements per runway. These figures also include flights to and from the military airport at Melsbroek as well as helicopter flights.
Date picker
You can choose either a daily, monthly or yearly report. Depending on your choice, you can pick a specific date, month or year to view data from. By default, data from daytime and nighttime movements are combined. You can choose to show only daytime (06:00 to 23:00 local time) or nighttime (23:00 to 06:00 local time) data. By default, data from departures and arrivals are combined as well. Use the dropdown menu to view separate data from either.
Using the map
For each runway, you can view the number of departures and arrivals for that specific runway for the chosen moment in time. The percentages indicate how much of the total number of arrivals and departures took place on the selected runway.
Compare data with the graph
The graph at the bottom of the page gives you an overview of how the airport movements were distributed over the different runways. You can then compare the data with the days, months or years surrounding the moment in time you picked.
Type of traffic and Noise Category
In the monthly and yearly view statistical information is added on the Type of traffic and the Noise Category. Aircraft are divided into eight noise categories based on the ACI Noise Rating Index. Category R1 are the noisiest, category R8 the most noise efficient.
Total daily flights
Daily arrivals
Daily departures