Brussels Airport Traffic Control
Runways currently in use
This animation shows you which runways are currently in use for both arrivals and departures.
What makes an aircraft take off or land on one runway instead of another? Runway selection is a complex process where the safety of air traffic always comes first.
Key statistics
Key statistics
Most recent news
Renovation of runway 07R/25L during the summer holidays
From 12 July to 27 August 2025, Brussels Airport will be renovating runway 07R/25L. The works are necessary to continue to guarantee safe air traffic. The runway will undergo extensive renovation, including new asphalt, new runway lights and new sewerage to improve runway drainage, and will be closed to air traffic for the entire duration.
Brussels Airport and skeyes begin demonstration flights with steeper and innovative approach trajectories
Brussels Airport and air navigation service provider (ANSP) skeyes will commence demonstration flights as part of the HERON project from 1st October. The aim of these flights is to assess whether landings with a steeper approach than usual could offer benefits in terms of reducing noise impact for surrounding communities, as well as lowering CO2 emissions and fuel consumption.
Short maintenance works on 25R/07L
At Brussels Airport, all runways and taxiways are continuously inspected by the relevant departments to continue to guarantee the safety of the passengers and the operations.

About Brussels Airport Traffic Control
This website provides information on air traffic to and from Brussels Airport.
It offers facts and figures on the runways in use at a particular moment, the flight paths of current air traffic and noise measurements on and in the vicinity of the airport.
Find out why runways are selected and how weather conditions can have an impact on flight operations.